Sunday, July 24, 2011

Creamed Garden Fresh Beans with New Potatoes

Some foods take me back to my childhood.  Every summer, one of the first dishes my mother prepared was this one.  The recipe was passed down from generation to generation.  Mom had her own method of making the cream sauce for this delicious dish.  Several years ago, I came across a simpler recipe that I actually like better and has a much fresher taste.  I hope you will try this recipe.

2-3 c. fresh green beans (I used a mixture of greeen and wax beans), washed and cut into bite-sized pieces.
12-14 new potatoes, washed and cut in half (leave the skins on)
8oz. cream cheese
½ c. milk
½ t. salt
3-4 T. minced chives

Wash beans and trim stem end off.  Cut into bite-sized pieces.

Wash 12-14 new potatoes and cut in half (leave the skins on).

Place into a pot and cover with cold water.

Bring to a boil and simmer until the beans and potatoes are tender (do not overcook).  Drain in a collander.

In a microwave oven-safe bowl, cut 8oz. cream cheese into cubes.  Add milk and salt.  Heat in microwave for 60 seconds and stir.  Continue heating in 60 second intervals, until sauce is smooth.

Pour beans and potatoes into serving dish.  Pour sauce over beans and potatoes, and toss with spoon.  Sprinkle with chives.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

This recipe also works well with fresh peas instead of the beans.  This recipe can also be halved, for fewer servings.

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